Easy Lime Zest
An Easy Way to Zest any Citrus
Here’s an “ah ha” moment that maybe not everyone has realized. Most people will place citrus on top of a grater to begin. As they begin moving the lime, some zest will fall into the bowl and some will scatter all around… inefficient, hard to measure and possibly unhealthy (if the zest is then gathered from a unclean counter).
Instead of zesting the underneath side of a piece of citrus and allowing the zest to fall all over the place… try turning things upside down like this!

Easy Lime Zest
Zest Citrus Upside Down
Here’s a far more efficient way to zest any
piece of citrus fruit:

Easy Lime Zest
Additional Information
To find out how long limes last, see our lime page.
To find out how long lemons last, see our lemon page.
To find out how long oranges last, see our orange page.
To discover more about lemon zest, see our lemon zest page.