How Long Does Food Last
How long does food last? This Eat By Date site is set up to provide basic information about certain foods and how long they are expected to last, the best way to store that food to extend it’s shelf life, how to tell if the food is starting to spoil, what you can do to save that food before it spoils and when to give up and toss that food out. We’ve just undergone a facelift to replace the shelf life section with tables that are easier to read. And, we’ve started a blog!
We’ll be using the blog as a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section but we’ll also be writing about exciting new products in the kitchen market, sharing new recipes that make use of leftovers or food on the verge or spoiling, providing craft lessons that might save some food or food packaging from hitting the dump and to just pass on any useful information or special tips that might help make your food dollar stretch a little further. Here at Eat-By-Date we are all about being resourceful and safe in an effort to save wisely and make use of what is already in the kitchen.
Background Info

We’ve been getting a lot of questions specific to a prepared food in your fridge. Such as – “I made this special dish last week, can I still eat it?”. We really have no way to answer such questions because we don’t know what you put into that dish (a single ingredient can degrade an entire dish if it is an ingredient with a short shelf life), how you packaged your dish (a airtight seal can make a huge difference), and how cold you keep your appliances (a few degrees higher or lower can affect your food). Besides all of this, individual results will vary slightly because of: the climate in which you live, what stores you shop at, what the store policies are as far as sell-by dates, how far away you live from the store, how long you waited to put the groceries away when you got home, if you left them in the car, etc., etc… you get the idea.
So, what we are telling you is that if you follow all of the recommendations on our web page for that food, then your food should last for the length of time indicated on the green tables and if you’re extra careful you may even find that it lasts longer!
Please check back often as we will be constantly adding new products to the main content pages. We hope you will continue to find Eat By Date useful. We appreciate all of your comments and suggestions. If you’re curious about a food we’re missing, just let us know!
Always practice proper food storage and food safety techniques. Please enjoy your food prior to its EatByDate.