How To Tell if a Melon is Ripe
How To Tell if a Melon is Ripe?
Picking just the right fruit can be frustrating. Not so much with a little berry, it’s the larger melons that can be a challenge. It’s good to know how to tell if a melon is ripe.
Once I carried a huge, heavy and expensive watermelon home only to cut it open and have it burst it’s sticky water all over the counter and down the cabinets to the floor! Not only was it a mess, but I was left scrambling for something to bring to our block party as I was left with only the rind from my watermelon.
Following are some tips to help you avoid such a situation by recognizing how to tell if a melon is ripe.

How To Tell if a Melon is Ripe

For Additional Information
To find out how long melons last, among other information, check our fruit menu page.