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How to Plant Garlic
Since we added the web page for how long does garlic
last and mentioned that garlic sprouts can be
planted, some readers have asked for detailed
instructions on
how to plant garlic
when to plant garlic. The rising interest in how to plant garlic comes
from users who save money by buying a large mesh bag
of garlic, but then don’t use it as quickly as
planned. Having stored their garlic properly, they
have garlic with green sprouts in the center instead
of garlic that is going bad.
Planting garlic
is the ultimate way to extend the shelf life of
If you plant these cloves, you more than extend the shelf life of garlic, you make fresh new garlic! Each clove that you plant produces a bulb with up to 20 cloves – a great return on investment! Garlic is actually one of the easiest plants to grow. If your goal is to extend the shelf life of garlic then only plant garlic that has begun to sprout, as in the picture. So, just follow the step-by-step instructions we’ve created on how to grow garlic.

How to Plant Garlic
Instructions to Plant Garlic:
1.) Find
a raised area or ideally a planter box in which you
can mix good soil with mulch. But garlic can be
planted in any area you have, even with flowers or
other plants. Garlic loves a spot with full sun.
2.) Dig
small holes, about 3 inches deep. The holes should
be about 4 inches apart from each other, dig one
hole for each clove of garlic you are going to
3.) Separate
the cloves of garlic just prior to planting and
leave the skin on the garlic clove. Place the clove
in the hole with the sprout facing upward. The
bigger the clove, the better for planting.
4.) Cover
the bulbs with dirt, but you want the bulb to be
just below the ground surface (only about an inch of
dirt should be placed on top of the bulb -do not
plant deep).
5.) Water
the bulbs well and continue to water each day.
6.) Check
in a couple weeks, you may already begin to see
straight green shoots above the ground. They look
like chives and will grow to about a foot above the
7.) Garlic
will be full grown in a couple of months. They are
ready when the green sprouts turn completely tan or
8.) Loosen
the ground around the brown sprouts and then pull
the garlic out of the ground. Hang the garlic in a
cool dry spot (if you’re clever you can braid
the stems) and let dry for at least a week. Gently
brush the dirt off the bulbs after drying but before
storing. Make sure the skins are dry before storing
or the garlic can develop mold.
How to Plant Garlic - Additional Info
For tips on storing garlic, check our shelf life of garlic page.
Now, when to plant garlic? Early spring (especially March) is considered the best time to plant garlic. But late fall can work if you place straw on the ground if there is going to be a frost or snow – garlic is very hardy but does not like extreme cold. Summer can also work if your climate is not extreme because garlic does like full sun.
So, How to plant garlic?… basically just place it in the ground!
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