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How to Prepare Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts are in peak season in the fall. Although this vegetable isn’t for everyone, it does have many big fans. If you love them, now is the time to indulge.

How to Prepare Brussels Sprouts
How to Choose Brussels Sprouts
First, a few tips about choosing brussels

The larger ones will taste more like cabbage.

If they are purchased on the stalk, leave them attached until ready to use. They will continue to draw moisture from the stalk and thus stay fresher for a longer amount of time if they are stored still attached to the stalk.
How to Prepare Brussels Sprouts
On to the preparation of brussels sprouts:
Rinse the brussels sprouts under cold
Do not rinse them until ready to use them. - Remove any leaves that are brown or otherwise damaged.
Using a sharp knife, trim the dirty stem with
a very thin slice and then discard.
Note: Do not remove the core as you might on a cabbage, this one is totally edible. -
If the intent is to roast or sauté this
vegetable then halve or quarter the sprouts,
cutting through the stem.
This will ensure a more even cook on the little guys. - For roasting, place halved srouts on a lightly oiled baking pan and then brush or spritz with olive oil. Roast in a pre-heated 425°F oven for about 30 minutes.
If the intent is to eat the brussels sprouts
raw then be sure to slice them super thin or
shred them.
Otherwise, they will be extremely hard to bite. - For another tasty, although somewhat tedious, option try peeling the leaves off and then frying or roasting them for crunchy brussels chips.

How to Prepare Brussels Sprouts
Additional Information
For more information on the storage of brussels sprouts and to find out how long brussels sprouts last, see our brussels sprouts page.
To find out how to wash mushrooms, see our mushroom prep post.