How to Store Edible Flowers
Gourmet edible flowers are aesthetically a beautiful touch to a fancy dessert or summer dish. Edible flowers are available year around from gourmet specialty shops, online sources and possibly even your garden yet they are definitely used more often in the spring and summer months when they can also be found at local farmers markets.
Many edible flowers are an acquired taste, and many find some of the flowers an undesirable taste. So, if given a chance to taste one you should proceed with caution. We recommend caution because if you have allergies to pollen, then there is the possibility of also being allergic to eating flowers.

How to Store Edible Flowers
Handling and storing edible flowers
Delicate flowers deserve special treatment. Here are some suggestions to properly handle and store edible flowers.
How Long Do Edible Flowers Last?
How long do edible flowers last? Let’s put it this way, don’t hesitate to use edible flowers as soon as possible. The “best by” date for edible flowers is about two days. Most blossoms will generally last about 4 to 5 days if kept refrigerated and moist, but they will probably begin to wilt by day three. Squash blossoms have the shortest shelf life and will only last for about two days. A few hearty varieties like mums can last up to a week. After that, they can easily begin to grow mold due to the moisture.
In the garden, edible flowers can last from about 5 days up to a month.
Can you freeze edible flowers? Not really. They will look OK while frozen but then thaw quickly and look a darker color.
How to Store Edible Flowers
Additional Information
To order edible flowers online, check out Gourmet Sweet Botanicals.
To grow your own, find a large selection at Johnny’s Selected Seeds.