Ideas for Grilling - Dessert Included!
There’s not much argument that burgers and hotdogs taste better when fresh off the grill, but with summer fast approaching it’s time to think outside the bun in order to grill more often. Grilling outside brings people together and takes the heat out of the kitchen.
There’s no use heating up the oven or the stove and being stuck inside with other parts of the meal. So, why not let your grill prepare the entire meal? Here are some ideas to get you started.

Ideas for Grilling
Ideas for Grilling

They are so simple to assemble, just follow the instructions below to make as many little cakes as desired.

Take a square of tin foil and place a pat of butter (about 1 Tbs) in the center add about 2 Tbs of brown sugar on top and then a slice of pineapple. Put a maraschino cherry in the pineapple hole and then place a slice of pound cake on top (we used a slice of pudding cake left over from breakfast, you could also use a pre-made shortcake bun). Seal the tin foil into a tight packet. These are fun to place on the grill after you’ve taken your dinner off so they can bake while you’re eating and then be ready to enjoy. Cook the packets with the crimped side up for about 10-12 minutes on a hot grill.
Carefully flip the packets onto a plate and cut open the top of the tin foil to enjoy the upside down effect. Be careful though, the melted sugar is very hot and can burn if touched.
Ideas for Grilling
Additional Info
Also see picnic foods for safety tips and ideas for different picnic foods.
We mentioned grilling corn in our list of ideas for grilling, for cooking times and more details about corn on the cob, see our corn cooking times page.