What is Shellac?
When speaking of
food, what is shellac?
people know of shellac on wood, but do not know that
it is also used on food since it is disguised on
food labels as “confectioners glaze”,
“candy glaze”, “lac resin”,
“wax” or “shellac wax”.
Shellac is actually
the sticky secretion from East Asian lac insects.
The secretions are heated, refined and approved for
use on foods. Shellac is most often used on fruits,
vegetables, candy and pills.

What is Shellac?
Define Shellac

Shellac is the shiny coating often found on
fruits, vegetables, small candies, pills and
Since it is the natural secretion of the lac
bug, it also appears on organic fruits and
vegetables… but is not always labeled. This
sticky lacquer is considered to be safe for
consumption and vegetarian, but not vegan.
What’s the purpose of shellac?
Just like it does with wood, this sticky
lacquer preserves products from shrinkage and
[1], thus extending the shelf life of the product when
it is used.
How to tell if shellac has been used on a
On produce you may see a note stating
“coated with shellac based wax to maintain
freshness”, or you may have to look for a
shine or feel for a coating on the surface. Notice
that the apple on the left has a shellac coating
while the apple on the right does not.
So, what can you do?
If you
find the whole thing icky, you’re not alone.
Look for uncoated produce or items that have been
instead coated with organic beeswax. For candy, you
may need to get out some reading glasses and check
the ingredient labels. As for pills and capsules,
you might be stuck unless you want to go back to
using liquids.
It’s actually hard to find some fruits
without shellac, for instance apples.
The skin of uncoated apples will begin to
shrivel and the flesh will begin to soften far
quicker than their coated cousins. Most apples on
display at grocery stores are actually many months
old. Shellac makes them look fresh for months.
Bobbing for apples? Shellac makes apples slippery and even harder to trap.
What is Shellac?
Additional Information
Another common question with food labels is about natural flavors.
Other labels you may find interesting and/or deceiving can be viewed on our how to read labels post.