When to Add Spices?
When is the best
time to add spices to a dish?
In order to get the
most flavor out of a spice and into a dish, the best
time to add in a spice is generally earlier rather
than later.
Yet, as with most things, there are exceptions.

When to Add Spices
The Best Time to Add Spices to a Dish
When to add spices into a dish depends mostly
upon the form of spice being used.
Timing is key when adding a spice to a
Heating spices up in a little oil at the
beginning of the cooking process will allow the
spice to toast and develop into a richer and
fuller taste.
Delicate fresh herbs are generally more flavorful
when added at the end of the cooking
When to Add Spices
Additional Information
To find out how long a particular spice will last, check out our spice menu
For more on the similarities and differences between fresh and dried herbs, see our fresh vs dried herb post.